Convo Fresh Flower #15
3 stalks soapflowers, fresh baby breath, 1 convo bear
✓ Can change wrapping paper
✓ Free card
Pre-order before 5 - 7 days.
How To Keep
-Fresh flowers will long-lasting about 3-5 days, depending on the environment.
-Unwrap it from its wrapping, and place them in a vase of fresh water.
-Don't forget to replace the clean water and cut the stems daily to keep them staying fresh as long as possible.
Soapflower is a flower made by soap, which is a kind of artificial flower.
To store and keep
Avoid watering, direct sunlight, and humid places, suitable to be stored in a cool and dry environment. If it is stored properly, its viewing period can reach 1 year or more, but it will slowly fade over time.